Romanian Evangelism
Eddie Bull (elder) teaching in Romania
The Midway church has been a major part in evangelizing Romania for more than 20 years. Harvey and Pat Starling have been co-workers with Midway during that time.
After working short term at various places in Romania from 1991 through 1993, Harvey led a team to work in Pitesti in June, 1994. The church began there in November of that same year. They met at various places until they were able to acquire their own meeting place in 2000.
A major Bible Correspondence Course program in Arges, Valcea, and Dolj resulted in the establishing of six other congregations in those three districts over the next several years! Today there are some 15 gospel preachers who rotate in preaching in these seven churches.
The Midway church has sent a number of Christians from the congregation to teach and preach in Romania through the years. Eddie Bull who has taught during numerous trips to Romania during the past several years is scheduled to go to work again later this spring. Randal Nunnelley, another member of the Midway congregation who has also been several times will also be going back at that time, Lord willing.
Special ladies classes are conducted throughout the year. Pat Starling began a quilt program in 2005 and the ladies have made hundreds of quilts since then for those in need.
U. S. teachers go each summer to assist the Romanians in a Children and Adult Bible Class series. The Eastland, TX church provides funds for these classes.
For many years, Marc Curfman and Joel Inman have assisted in a special Bible Training School in early September. The Glendale church in Murray, KY has provided funds for the September School for several years.
Midway has led the way in the work in these three districts of Romania. However, the work would not be possible without assistance from many other individuals and congregations. May God have all the glory!